Versand & Zahlung


This page states the terms and con­di­tions un­der which you use the web­site. Any use of this web­site means that you a­gree to them. If you do not a­gree with these terms and con­di­tions then you are not au­thou­rised to use this web­site. We are not re­spon­sible for any da­mage caused by trans­por­tation. We won’t take back clothing due to dis­regar­ding the washing in­struc­tions.

Payment We accept Pay Pal for pay­ment. VAT inclu­ded in Ger­many, de­liveries abroad will possi­bly be sub­ject to addi­tional cus­toms duty and/or ta­xes.

Exchange/Returns If a customer does not want a different size, we can offer a credit note to be used on a future order. Please be aware of these terms when ordering multiple sizes of one product. The infor­mation duties accor­ding to Ger­man Ci­vil Code (BGB) 312d, (1), have been ful­filled after agreeing to our terms. The custo­mer has to bear the costs of ship­ping for the return. The no­tice has to be addressed to:

Exchange adress Please send your return to: LO-TiDE™ (Jongue & Rosenstock GbR), Lange Straße 9, shop on the right, 20359 Hamburg-St. Pauli

Shipping costs Germany 5,00€ (Insured shipping) Free shipping on orders over 100,00€ / For international shipping contact us at

Privacy All the infor­mation you pro­vide to us is strict­ly priv­ate and confi­dential. Accor­ding to the data protec­tion act we will treat all such infor­mation inclu­ding name, address and email in the stric­test of confi­dence. Customer infor­mation will not be dis­closed to or shared with any per­sons outside. For further information see our (German version).

Changes to these terms These terms apply to your order. We may change our terms and condi­tions at any time, so please do not assume that the same terms will apply to fu­ture orders. Prices are as stated on the web­site and are sub­ject to change at any time with­out notice too. If you have any ques­tions left just contact us!

Disclaimer All images and pro­ducts shown on this site are pro­perty of LO-TiDE™ GbR and may not be pub­lished, repro­duced or used for any­thing else then viewing plea­sure without written con­sent.

About is owned by LO-TiDE™, Diara Jongue & Jan Rosenstock GbR, Lange Straße 9, shop on the right, 20359 Hamburg-St. Pauli, Ger­many.